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Stock Value Analyzer Pro 1.5
Stock Value Analyzer helps you research stocksby analyzing daily over 20,000 securities from the US, Australia,Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and theUnited Kingdom. Stock Value Analyzer provides instant access togrowth rates, charts, Value Prices, Margin of Safety Prices, andother figures you need to find the best stocks on the market!Pro version is ads free and includes earnings calendar, market newsand interactive charts.FEATURES> Fundamental Stock AnalysisIncludes Growth Grades, Value Price & Margin of Safety Price,financial ratios such as PE, PEG, ROIC, ROIA… A short descriptionfor each ratio and how it usually interpreted is always under yourfingertips - just click “?” icon next to the ratio.> Interactive and static price chartsSwitch between static and interactive charts to see line charts orcandlestick charts; have static time frame or be able to changetime frame and more… Both types of price charts include indicatorssuch as short/middle/long term moving averages, slow and faststochastics, MACD and RSI.> Easy Stock LookupSearch by symbol or company name. Charts for ETFs and marketindices are available.> Earnings CalendarCheck scheduled for the next 2 weeks earnings reports for allstocks in your Watch Lists in one simple list.> Watch ListOrganize your stocks in Watch Lists. Multiple Watch Lists areavailable in synchronized mode.> Market NewsEasy access to real time market news from leading news providers -Market Watch and Reuters.> Want to see price chart right from your Watch List? Not aproblem! Simply change application settings in the Settingsmenu.> TutorialsVideo tutorials available in the Tutorials section.Stock Value Analyzer Pro works in 2 modes: stand-alone mode andsynchronized mode.In a stand-alone mode application can maintain a Watch List ofstocks, which is stored locally on your mobile device.In a synchronized mode you can link to your existing stock2own.comaccount and manage all Watch Lists and stocks via your mobiledevice. All changes you make will be automatically synchronizedwith your account and become available on all devicesyou may use: from desktop computer to tablets and mobiledevices.NOTE - registration at is required for synchronizedmode, restrictions may apply based on rules.
Stock Value Analyzer Lite 1.8, LLC
Stock Value Analyzer helps research stocks by analyzing over 20,000securities from the US, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy,Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom! Stock ValueAnalyzer provides instant access to growth rates, charts, ValuePrices, Margin of Safety Prices, and other figures investor needsto find the best stocks on the market! Stock Value Analyzeranalysis is based on Stock Analyzer. FEATURES StockValue Analyzer Lite allows user to analyze individual stocks andmaintains history of stocks analyzed. The results of analysisinclude: Growth Rates Consistent, positive growth indicates astable company with predictable results. Stock2own combines growthrates into simple easy to read Growth Grades: > HistoricalGrowth Grade is based on historical growth rates and gives you asense of how fast the company is growing. > Year-over-yearGrowth Grade (YOY Growth Grade) is based on year over year growthand shows how consistent the growth is. Value Price & Margin ofSafety Price Stock Value Analyzer calculates the Value Price andMargin of Safety Price of a stock, using Pessimistic, Moderate andOptimistic projections. These calculations use formula developed byBenjamin Graham and David Dodd described in their famous "valueinvesting" methodology. Use predefined projections to calculatevalue price for a stock OR run your own numbers and get your ownprojected value and MOS prices. Technical Analysis - Price Charts& Technical Indicator Alerts Stock Value Analyzer gives youprice charts for any given stock, including stock price, movingaverages, stochastics, MACD and RSI! Technical Indicator Alerts arefollowing "general interpretation" of indicators used. For example,if the current market price is below moving average, it is usuallyconsidered as a "negative" or a "sell" signal and vice versa - ifthe price is above moving average, this is usually a good signal.Stock2own is also catching "crossing" events and Alert considered a"buy" or a "sell" signal on a day when the price line is crossingthe moving average line.